Collection: I am Music

“Music is my life and my life is music”
— Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
[ I am Music ] – Special collection dedicated to musicians and music lovers, inspired by Das Musical Mozart! 뮤지컬 모차르트! Book and lyrics by Michael Kunze, music and orchestrations by Sylvester Levay, directed by Koike Shuichiro, Wolfgang main character played by Cho Kyuhyun. A musical theatre I watched 4 weeks ago at Sejong Theater in Seoul. I was excited about watching the show and it did satisfy me completely! While I was enjoying the show, an idea popped into my head, and gave me inspiration for a theme for the new collection.
If you’re on my mailing list or follow my Instagram, you know that two weeks ago, in the time of ideation and designing, I gathered a list of music quotes and asked my fellow friends and followers to take part in generating more of them. Thanks to all of you who have provided me with your ideas! =D
There is something noteworthy in the design process of this collection, where most of the pieces are interpreted based on specific quotes. On every product page, you will find the quote I was inspired by.
Other than that, as I mentioned earlier the idea is reflected from Mozart – a prolific artist, and Austrian composer in the classical period, thus, the color scheme of this collection is more to retro vintage tones: reddish orange, brown, bronze, antique, yellow, gold, gray and black. Stones and crystals being used such as Carnelian, Citrine, Labradorite, Whisky Quartz, Smoky Quartz, Agate, Crystal, Tourmaline, Onyx, etc. which are then embellished with a variety of musical instrument charms. 🎹 🎷 🎺 🎸 🎻
I hope you like this collection! Because music is the voice of the soul… 🎼

P.S. Special thanks to my friend – Kent @inkssasin who helped me with this remarkable watercolor painting of a G clef note. It is exactly what I hoped for! ❤️