Santa Cindy

A few days ago, I sent out surprise gifts to fifteen of my loyal and lucky customers – local and abroad. This idea had been in my head for quite some time, and I thought Christmas is the perfect time to do this “secret giveaway”. Why do I call it “secret”? That’s because none of them knew about this gift I sent. šŸ˜‰

So I designed these special keychains made of raw Maple wood slices, crafted with a combination of stones, such as Jasper, Jade, Coral, Agate, Prehnite, etc and a Christmas-theme charm. On the back side of the wood coin, I hand-drawn that cute smiley face so whenever we look at it, we’ll smile spontaneously, yes? Well, at least I am! šŸ™‚

It’s my way to thank you for the continued support towards my items and creations, and for putting so much trust in me. Thank you and thank you!

I’ve received some messages from you saying how you like the surprise gifts. It makes me happy and I’m humbled that people find value in what I do! Hearing from you is always the highlight of my day!

Merry Christmas,
-Santa Cindy

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