Leveling Up : Pursuing Study

Dear all lovely people,
I’m writing today to let you know about some changes happening. I’ve been building up this personal brand Tree Craft Diary for 9+ years now. Rain or shine, on weekdays and weekends, I am all by myself designing, crafting and creating charming jewelry that you could be proud of while wearing. It’s always been a joy and a privilege to make something for you.
I thank you for your never ending support, leaving positive comments and sending DMs showing me joyous pictures of you wearing the jewelry you just received. It’s the greatest joy in a day~ 🌞
Now, I’ve decided to pursue my study further. People say, if you never get out of your comfort zone, then you never get any better, you just stay where you’re at. And I definitely want to take myself to the next level! So, with that, I would take a break from running TCD while I’m refining my skills, and come back later with a new fresh curtain!
I will depart to Vancouver soon, therefore, I would need to clear my current stocks as soon as possible.. Please, help me to adopt the necklaces / bracelets / earrings / bagcharms / mask chains that you’ve been aiming for, as I would offer a good 30% discount on all ready stock items. I will put them ON SALE until next week (the exact date to be announced later). Please use this code upon checking out: CLEARING.
I will still be in touch, posting stories and ideas worth sharing and fun while I’m pursuing my study in Canada.
Please wish me luck, and all the very best with life and work you’re called to do, now and in the future.
In Gratitude,
Cindy 🙏